Watch for damage wood trim.
Damaged wood inside door frames and door cores.
Soil erosion from downspouts draining.
Damaged wood trim. Not always really visible.
Some signs the house has/had Radon. These are not always visible/accessible.
Missing downspout elbows and drain pipes cause foundation concerns.
Dented garage doors will get stress crack and can cave in when opened.
Sometimes condensation between glass is visible-Not always though…
Fascia trim should overlay the other way to shed water.
Watch for possible ponding around foundation
Did we mention water is BAD!
More damaged door frames.
Look for sealant around window. Can cause water leaks or drafting.
Water bad!… Why so common?
Signs of past issues with downspout drainage.
Sidewalks should be stable to walk on. These moved.
Watch for damage wood trim.